What a blissful way to start the day...It made a wonderful, misty October morning even more magical. And then I hear on Radio 4 that it was 'One Day In History' day and that the whole country is invited to blog about their day and how it relates to history. History, as in a narrative of events that have happened, I suppose is essentially about how you tell it. And my Tuesday? Well it was an exceptional day, supernormal, a day to be narrated about in the future even. Even by breakfast time there were funny anecdotes to store away for sharing maybe, one day, a fuzzy warm feeling more special even than that inspired by Bod's overdriven bass sound, and soon after, a short drive through rush hour where sitting in traffic was calming, serene, and I hope set the opening lines of a new chapter.
The nice thing about days like that is when it continues and starts to turn into a week - and I am having a fine week. Funny how things turn round. Oh, and do listen to Mogwai's EP +6 because there are moments of sheer brilliance. And I used to wish I was a Superhero of BMX, but now there is no need.
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