flash back

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Good like the old days is what we said. And now I remember just why I liked going to see Emma Rugg play so much two or three years ago when I first saw her down at the Adelphi.

Because Wednesday evening’s gig was a classic. Not because of any mystical note perfection set list choice venue atmosphere alignment, but just because it was brilliant in the way that a solo artist should excel.

It was being in a room with someone singing songs just for you.

Thanks Emma, because playing guitar and singing is something that a lot of people can pull off convincingly. But your sets are special because there is more to it than that and on Wednesday you captured something magical. Because while it is hard to stand up there and be nothing but yourself, it is just what you did. Armed with those deeply personal songs, with your Taylor that is more of a friend than a tool of your trade, a set list at your feet that morphs into whatever you want to make it and hopefully an audience that made you want to sing from your heart... It was good to be there and I look forward to next time.

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Weeks and months turn into years and who knows what surprises a new day will bring? As shelves fill with more songs, dust collects, memories accumulate and we pass through the lives of others, sometimes pausing, sometimes pulling up a chair, sometimes moving on. Thinking that tomorrow is going to be like yesterday. What do we know? I just like words and pictures, so why make excuses for collecting those either? But some things will never change, the sad songs will always be the best ones.

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