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Life is good. At the end of last week I had a few days in a city that is totally new to me with the fellow who introduced me to GusGus by getting me lie with my head at same level as the bass speakers of the floorstanders he had crammed into his small student room and playing Polyesterday at the appropriate volume (amongst other things). Bristol meant lots of music, conversation, a few photos and a little spot of red wine. Thanks H, it was a great couple of days and I will be back to see the new house. Question is, will Bob get to go too?

But there is real life to return to, and as the 230 miles back up the road north passed motorway trance I had chance to think, and actually get rather excited about what the future seems to be bringing. After three days of fun, the return was no anticlimax.

Sometimes I am lost for words, not really sure what to write, because it is difficult to build a sentence or two that summarises just how I feel. But I also know that it is quite alright to reflect and just know that everything is going to be OK. Monday today, and that is a good thing.

4 Responses to “suspense”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Awww... die kleine Katze...

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    PS Somewhat freaky that we've both stood on the same spot, 350 miles away, 1 year apart....

    Turn your head 90 degrees and, presumably, you'd see this:

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Aah Bob... what will I do?

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Bob has been faithful to you all this time... I don't think there is really any question.

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Weeks and months turn into years and who knows what surprises a new day will bring? As shelves fill with more songs, dust collects, memories accumulate and we pass through the lives of others, sometimes pausing, sometimes pulling up a chair, sometimes moving on. Thinking that tomorrow is going to be like yesterday. What do we know? I just like words and pictures, so why make excuses for collecting those either? But some things will never change, the sad songs will always be the best ones.

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