for the record

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Well I think that this blog and this blog are going to become members of Hull Bloggers that the friendly Lostariel blueskiesfade Aybara has been orgnaising over the past few weeks or so. Hull itself is not a topic that often features here on record collection, so as a kind of tribute and to set things rolling in an appropriate manner, here is one of my favourite things about living in Hull.

Ahhh yes, going to see Emma Rugg play. I usually have such fun and it is great to see and support local artists. Last night was no exception and I went down to the Tiger's Lair with Vanessa and of course Dennis, Ute and the now infamous 50-200mm. There is something nice about hanging out with musicians, especially musicians on a working night. I guess it reminds me of being young and in a band, perhaps on the night of a gig. It reminds me of being in Toulouse with my brother back stage at a Phi One gig, the relative calm in the practise studio with Aeria, or braving the aural assault of the huge levels of amplification involved in a Floid rehearsal ('the second loudest sound, ever'). All quite different experiences, but with a common, passionate singularity. Live music, whether just a singer and an acoustic guitar, or the physical onslaught of a metal band, is possibly my favourite thing ever.

What proved to be the real fun yesterday came after the gig, as Emma was due to appear on the Late Licence just after midnight (some guy called David on Radio Humberside). And despite everyone being very tired - or perhaps especially because everybody was very tired - we lent our moral support and all crowded down to the BBC radio studios. Hi, good evening, yes coffee please. It was all a little sureal for a Wednesday evening (er, Thursday morning actually) but isn't that how the best moments in life should be?

I would like to say a special thanks to Emma for playing For the Record, which might just be my favourite track of hers and bodes really rather well for the new writing that is going on. So as I sit writing this the following evening, failing to get an early night, it is comforting to know that there really are some nice things about living in Hull. Like friends who are determined to stand for what they believe in and who create something beautiful in the process. I can't think of anything that means more to me about Hull than the people that I know through my time here. And they are simply wonderful.

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Weeks and months turn into years and who knows what surprises a new day will bring? As shelves fill with more songs, dust collects, memories accumulate and we pass through the lives of others, sometimes pausing, sometimes pulling up a chair, sometimes moving on. Thinking that tomorrow is going to be like yesterday. What do we know? I just like words and pictures, so why make excuses for collecting those either? But some things will never change, the sad songs will always be the best ones.

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