Well, back in Hull and having had a first day back at work and a catch up dinner, I feel that it is time to blog. And I would most of all like to thank all those who welcomed me so warmly on my travels. Friends who I might not have seen for months and even years, but with whom - as always - it was if we had only just said fairwell.
It made me realise just how much time with friends is precious to me. Because true friends know the real stories enough to see beyond those months of events rapidly related to know what is really happening. And I am sure that wherever they might be now, distant or close, just the knowledge that they are at the end of the phone, a click of 'reply' away, makes the lives that we live so much more worthwhile.
And of course, there is always time for fun stuff - and that should always be at the centre of any friendship. So here is to all my friends. Those that I saw in West Norwood and Dulwich and Limehouse and Guildford this weekend and those who are elsewhere or otherwise engaged. Thank you for just being who you are and I look forward to seeing you soon or in a year or whenever our paths may cross again, I love you all enormously.
France came and went in a thousand (or two or so) images and there will be some of that in the posts to come. It was fine there too.
West Norwood? No way... That's where Hina lives. The world is indeed small.
Headed back up North soon dude... I'll call you about it.