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I concentrate very hard I can almost get there. It is not November but August and though it is now dark outside, that is because the sun has set over the St Gery cliffs and summer heat has given way to evening warmth.

If we try to eat outside this evening in Hull we will probably die of exposure, something to actually keep the cold out is probably much more appropriate. Tonight I am going to The Lamp with some friends to watch some short films (Monday night, undemanding... they have Leffe on tap). Winter has definitely arrived. It is feels bitterly cold here after a mild season so far.

This 1993 Chateau Montaiguillon was rather nice on Saturday evening - another welcome treat from our inherited wine collection. It is the sort of thing that brings cheer on dark autumn evenings when combined with a hearty dinner. Right, soon time to go home... what to cook tonight?

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Weeks and months turn into years and who knows what surprises a new day will bring? As shelves fill with more songs, dust collects, memories accumulate and we pass through the lives of others, sometimes pausing, sometimes pulling up a chair, sometimes moving on. Thinking that tomorrow is going to be like yesterday. What do we know? I just like words and pictures, so why make excuses for collecting those either? But some things will never change, the sad songs will always be the best ones.

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