hit me baby...

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one more time.

And it has been commented that things might have been getting a little dark on this blog. A little too serious for comfort perhaps. There has been no talk of cute kittens setting out to discover the exciting newness of life, no tales of drinks on the pavements of southern France, or even of an engorged though dissapointing rocky monty. So is life all brooding skies, like a week of Tuesdays or a month without weekends? Have I been limiting my listening time to the most downbeat music I can find on the shelf?

No, of course not. For those of you who know me, should know me better. There is always sun behind that heavy cloud cover, and just to give an example, later on that Monday brought candle lit chilled out wine drinking socialising with some fine new friends time. Magical moments in a tall town house nearer the city centre, conversation, songs, happiness and more answers and questions about the mysteries of light sensitive media - more of which at a later date, as that seems quite important at present. And I was myself, a happy man. Wonderful.

Of course there was opportunity for pictures (and since then a chance to work out exactly what to do with all these photos taken in the dark). There even came a time, late into the evening, when Dennis and I finally sat down and made tentative covering sounds of that Spears hit. But not for very long.

I must confess I still believe...

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Weeks and months turn into years and who knows what surprises a new day will bring? As shelves fill with more songs, dust collects, memories accumulate and we pass through the lives of others, sometimes pausing, sometimes pulling up a chair, sometimes moving on. Thinking that tomorrow is going to be like yesterday. What do we know? I just like words and pictures, so why make excuses for collecting those either? But some things will never change, the sad songs will always be the best ones.

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