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I am waiting for H to finish on the phone so that I can ask him a question so that I can send an e-mail and then go home. He has been on the phone for 1/2 an hour...

Hannu didn't get that job. She was offered a consolation prize, improved version of the work that she was going to be doing anyway - so that is good news. The only shame is that we are not suddenly double income, disposable cash happy, paying off credit cards all of a sudden. Of course we will have lots of stress free time together because she will not be working all hours and probably enjoy a different though equal Quality of Life because of this.

At what cost money hey? I would rather not think about it too much thanks, not until I am faced with the immediate problem of having more than I know what to do with.

I answered my own question... I'm off home now

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Weeks and months turn into years and who knows what surprises a new day will bring? As shelves fill with more songs, dust collects, memories accumulate and we pass through the lives of others, sometimes pausing, sometimes pulling up a chair, sometimes moving on. Thinking that tomorrow is going to be like yesterday. What do we know? I just like words and pictures, so why make excuses for collecting those either? But some things will never change, the sad songs will always be the best ones.

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